Initiative i5968: PPI: SAP-5 Term of Office
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Letzter Entwurf vom 17.06.2015 um 14:05 Uhr · Quelltext · Zeige alle Versionen (2)

Am 5. und 6. July findet das PPI Generell Assembly statt.


Title: Term of Office

Sponsor: Pirate Party of Germany (PPDE)

member of Pirate Party

  • Thomas Gaul (Int. Coord. PPDE)
  • Gregory Engels (Int. Coord. PPDE)

Contact data

  • thomas.gaul at piratenpartei . de
  • gregory.engels at piratenpartei . de



Change and add XII. Board

XII. Board

(2) The Board and the Alternate Members are elected for two years by the General Assembly at the regular sessions or if an extraordinary session is requested for that purpose.

(2a) This rule applies only once: At the next regular session, every secondary seat of the Board and the Alternate Board - according to the number of their previous votes - will be new elected due to establish a rotating system. In case of a tie at the previous votes a decision is taken by drawing lot.


Current wording:

XII. Board

(2) The Board and the Alternate Members are elected by the General Assembly at the regular sessions or if an extraordinary session is requested for that purpose

reasoning and motivation

Given the complex task of running the PPI as an international organization requires the transfer of know-how and skills among the board members. It is good practice to introduce a rotation among the board members by electing every year only a part of it (as practiced for example by the Pirate Party of Sweden). For the first year that we want to introduce this rotation, its brings some challenges of how to transit to the new regulation, for that a "one time" provision is needed.